We make founders strong..

You want to realize your idea and start your business?

You have already founded a company and now want to take off?

Are you looking for an office for your company?

Then you have come to the right place.

In cooperation with the Stadtsiedlung and the city of Heilbronn, people interested in starting a business, founders of new businesses and young companies receive free orientation advice in the rooms of the venture forum neckar.
The venture forum neckar acts as a central contact point and pilot through the jungle of subsidies in close coordination with the municipal department of business development and the Stadtsiedlung Heilbronn.

If necessary, the venture forum neckar also mediates the contact to the municipal business development department as the central contact for companies and investors as well as to the Stadtsiedlung as the owner of the innovation factory. The focus of support is primarily on start-ups from the technology and creative industries as well as innovative business ideas from other sectors. The venture forum neckar works together with many network partners.


  • Business plan DE | EN

  • Financial planning


If you are interested or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly:

  • +49 (0) 7131-7669-112

  • info@vf-n.de



Personal advice
